COVID : Finding a clear path through the Pandemic

This article explores simple and effective ways that leaders can continue to create clarity amidst the crisis. This global imposed « learning by doing” experiment is providing a stage, and as isolation and a digital way of life become the new norm, how do we bridge the gap between the human and the digital aspects ? How do we draw up an action plan for future focused strategy ?


Le forum “Approche collaborative, agilité et performance en entreprise” a rassemblé plus de 200 professionnels du management, des RH et de l’innovation. Cette 1ère édition a proposé de l’inspiration par des keynotes experts, des ateliers pour découvrir de nouvelles postures, méthodologies et/ou outils et un brainstorming en groupes pour initier une mise en mouvement

Comment penser autrement pour mieux innover ?

L’innovation managériale , qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ?
Que vous faut il pour développer de la créativité, pour oser collaborer et oser penser autrement ? et surtout, comment s’y prendre ?

Building Organisational Courage

The onset of digital and different ways of working means that people are constantly overloaded and dealing with uncertainty and complexity. There is a whole new level of complexity to the business environment. Come and learn more about how to counter organizational politics more effectively and build a culture of courage and collaboration.

Human dimension of change

Ever wondered why change doesn’t happen as you thought it might ? Ever wondered how to transform a blame culture into a highly productive one ? Of course this change in culture won’t happen overnight but leaders can take responsibility for their part in it and act as individual agents of change for more impact in redesigning the organization’s DNA

What is the role of flexible working in business today

This Q&A interview focuses on the importance of inclusion and well being within an organisation, and how fundamental it is to the strategic business objectives as well as the employee experience in terms of motivation, engagement, productivity and the war for talent.

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