Design for Inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion are becoming increasingly significant as we move into a more competitive and interconnected workplace.

We work with our clients to support better awareness and understanding of what an inclusive workplace really means for them, and how they can constantly action the bias in their systems.

This allows them to unlock potential for innovation and better acknowledge and support the diversity of both their employee base and deliver high-quality services to an ever more diverse customer base.

The programme is divided into 5 online modules to allow for assimilation, experimentation and headspace between the different modules.

Each online Zoom module is 2.5 hours long and there will be no more than

1 hour of «offline» work to complete between sessions. There will be a kick-off session and a follow-up session 1 month after the end of the programme.

How you learn

HSP Online Programme

Online experience

HSP Online Interaction

Online interaction

HSP Global network

Global network

HSP e-Certificat

e Certificate

  • We start by facilitating dialogue and awareness about our own assumptions and bias that help us to understand our own stories.
  • We then move into empathy for others’ lived experiences and underline areas for development.
  • We provide bespoke training on designing for inclusion, and work in collaboration with organisational stakeholders to translate how to take this back to the business in the form of sustainable behavioural and culture change.

What does your learning journey look like?

Design for Inclusion program path

What will you learn ?

Module 1: Why Design?

In this module we concentrate on:

  • understanding the different personas and their position on this subject
  • understanding the different stages of maturity
  • visualising the ‘what is’

Module 2: Growth mindset - the foundation of inclusive behaviours

In this module we concentrate on: 

  • understanding the different areas of a ‘growth mindset’
  • understanding bias
  • understanding how to move the needle on our behaviours

Module 3: The journey - the employee experience

In this module we will be concentrating on:

  • understanding moments that matter
  • understanding pain points and opportunities 
  • looking at ‘what could be’

Module 4: From idea to PoC (proof of concept)

In this module we concentrate on 

  • understanding how to move from ideas to prototype in reality 
  • understanding what behaviours we need
  • defining what our inclusive model could look like as a first draft

Module 5: Taking it back to the business

In this module we concentrate on: 

  • reconnecting our prototype idea and learning to the existing business environment 
  • understanding which model works for us
  • defining the roadmap of how to begin implementing the changes

Follow-up call: one month after

In this call we will:

  • share feedback on challenges and successes
  • share our learnings from the prototypes in progress
  • define next steps 

What will I get from this programme?


An awareness of ‘where you are’ in terms of maturity on creating an inclusive environment, as well as on the cognitive elements such as how we react to change or how we manage difference.


An understanding of inclusion and the definition of an inclusive system, and of designing the main building blocks needed to create an inclusive environment.

Tools and methods

An overview of the concepts and different cognitive processes behind the human-centred design thinking methodology and associated tools to deploy your ideas.

Join the programme now!

Design for Inclusion Logo in a laptop screen

Come and share your thoughts, ideas and challenges and co-design new solutions and approaches.

Systems and humans are both complex topics and understanding them is vital if we are to change the culture of an organisation. If we can bring the two together, we can create a powerful force for good in terms of both the systems and the people within them.

The discussions are never simple, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.

But if we start from this point, we can look at the whole from differing angles and apply different approaches to facilitate a better understanding of what makes us and those around us ‘tick’. This in turn will deliver great insight into the environment and experiences we create both for ourselves and each other.

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