The Execution revolution with Johan Gronstedt

“More than 95% of the strategies that comes across my desk are highly dependent on cross functional work. The ability to execute cross functional things will be a question of competitive advantage”
The Empathy Dilemma with Maria Ross

“Empathy flows both ways and it’s not just the leader’s job or the organization’s job to show empathy.”
Women & tech transforming systems with Kelley Steven-Waiss

“You must really develop the muscle for resilience because you will need it”
Transforming the human experience of security with Peter Evans

“The vision is creating a world where great experiences and safety work together”
Transforming into who we are with Alan Lazaros

“Life doesn’t get easier, you handle hard better”
Playing with transformation with Elrika Erasmus

“playfulness and adults is very under researched and under utilised in organisations to help people to thrive…”
Jumpstart your workplace culture with Eric Stone

“Clear beats clever, yet we’re still incentivising clever in organisations… “
The Age of Thrivability with Michelle Holliday

“we need to think of conversations as living systems…this mechanistic story is so all pervasive that we don’t even recognise it… “
Transforming stereotypes : creating safe & inclusive workplaces with Jodie Jarvis

“The more cognitive diversity we have in the workplace, the better we will be as organisations if we can manage it effectively”
The Future of work, leadership & innovation with Karl Lillrud

“The path that leads to success is the path where you dare to take on those challenges and question yourself”