“Building data driven industries is about transforming relationships : it’s strategy in a digital world. “

Digital transformation is a buzzword but is taken for granted, and therefore it can mean everything, or nothing. Marc and I have a great discussion about the art of turning traditional companies into data driven companies .. particularly focusing on unlocking the potential of data, and driving digital at scale.

What are the challenges, opportunities and things to look out for when taking organisations on this journey ? How do we prepare for scale at the same time as we go from idea to Proof of concept ? Digital transformation is about technology, business outcomes, market experience and change management – a tapestry of unknown and known quantities that needs to be unpicked to be put back together differently.

Marc shares his wealth of experience and insights on what digital can enable in organisations and how people & their organisations can leverage this.

The main insights you’ll get from this episode are :

1.    Access the data that is available in a company: if only the company knew what the company knows – people underestimate the potential on their doorstep.

2.    Data follows processes across silos: process mining tools follow the data flow/end-to-end chain – data is a true indicator of business performance.

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