“We need to recognise that it is about how we work not where we work”

Richard and I discuss leadership discourses, from digital taylorism to eco leadership, and what’s next for the leadership paradigm in organisations. We explore the effect of the pandemic on the employee experience – the “inbetween-ness” that provides the human glue in a workplace and how we can create or re-create moments that matter in a hybrid world. Richard takes us through his intelligence model that offers different ways to understand how intelligence manifests in an organisation and how we can use this understanding to navigate & lead organisational systems differently. We also touch on dialogic learning and intentionally redesigning workplaces for both individual, collective and connective work, and how this can create possibilities for a different type of ‘high potential’ leader to be seen and recognised. 

Richard shares his insights, research and thought leadership on redesigning the workspace from working with leaders and companies across the globe. 

The main insights you’ll get from this episode are :

1.    Foundational intelligence – fragmented; focused on resilience, wellbeing and survival with no capacity to contribute to anything else. Based on salutogenesis and coherence.

2.    Dramatic intelligence –almost all intellectual capacity is applied to progress, fit in, etc. Based on code switching and mask wearing.

3.    Individual intelligence – a classic predictor of promotion, life performance, ability to maximise potential. Purely cognitive.

4.    Collective intelligence – different perspectives, emotional/socio-intelligence, more creative, more productive, more future-orientated. Based on group emotional alignment.

5.    Extended intelligence – the pinnacle, extended networks bring insights that are otherwise unavailable, often resulting in breakthroughs. Interdisciplinary and ahead of the game. 



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