” 2020 has been challenging, but also a real opportunity for leaders to look inside and ask themselves some bigger questions.. “

In this episode of Let’s talk, Debs and I discuss leading fearlessly and how transformative it can be. We discuss showing up authentically, and what that means in terms of the “negotiables” and “non-negotiables” for you and the organisation. We explore demystifying organisational culture and understanding how you manage your energy not only to enable and co-create smarter working environments, but also to manage the other extremes such as heavy governance and excessive collaboration that can drain such energy from the system. It is time to move the needle on existing leadership paradigms and for leaders to boldly move into their values, and start encouraging more courageous and curious thinking, and lead fearlessly towards a more inclusive, purposeful and collective environment. 

Debs shares her wealth of insight, experience, and thought leadership from working with organisations across the globe. 

The main insights you will get from this episode :

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