“There is a part in every customer journey where people need to interact with a human being .. “

Tom and I discuss the human guided digital Customer journey and how this is evolving as technology evolves. Customers have endless choices when it comes to digital CX today: chatbots, knowledge bases, data bases, google searches etc and as technology moves on so quickly, we are left with this ever growing challenge of constantly bridging Digital and Human in a hybrid world.

What different milestones need to be put in place to bridge the gap between digital and human ? Where do organisations need to pivot and rethink the way they craft their customer journeys ?

Both upskilling in terms of strategy as well as the operational implications of a digital CX depend on the business model and the existing customer journey – people must be engaged at the design level so as to intentionally drive a conversation and overcome the silo mentality.

Tom shares his experience, vision and insights with us from working with business across the globe on their CX digital strategies.

The main insights you’ll get from this episode are :

–       Successful organisations must constantly integrate the physical and digital aspects of their business, e.g. by building instruments for customer journeys that were hitherto non-existent, such as combining a website with a physical store and expert guidance in human form.

–       The post-pandemic hybrid model comprises one team in two parts by bringing virtual and physical together – a digital CX must find ways to fill the gap left by digital, i.e. the human input. Leaders must realise that despite leaning into digital, people also want to speak to a human who can offer help/advice when it comes to decisions/complexities.

–       Frustration comes from not being able to speak to a human (in CX, for instance) and have in-the-moment human guidance; optimized workflows enable an initial digital footprint to be followed by human experts to improve conversion rates.

–       There are emotions attached to decisions, and human connection, even on video, deescalates a stressful process – technology can help us recognise points at which we should blend the channels.

–       The gap between digital and human is often filled with fear, and leaders should seek to focus on the human aspects for customer service roles, i.e. the ability to both deliver empathy and problem-solve – customers are taken down an efficient digital path that improves outcomes through human hand-holding.

–       There are three different approaches: DIY, do it for you, and do it with you – the latter bridges the gap, is scalable, improves loyalty/business and adds value; emerging technology will allow companies to dynamically create space for individualisation and personalisation.

–       Generative AI will be disruptive to jobs but help access lower-hanging fruit; it will bring the agent much further forward in the CX journey and facilitate a human-guided digital CX, ultimately enabling humans to do higher-value jobs.

–       The fear around AI comes from the perceived possibility of it running amok – it is vital therefore that it is kept in check and used only when and where appropriate in order to help shift between modalities and elevate the conversation.

–       Both upskilling in terms of strategy as well as the operational implications of a digital CX depend on the business model and the existing customer journey – people must be engaged at the design level so as to drive a conversation and overcome the silo mentality.

–       Cloud natives and tools use best-of-breed to give rise to a new journey; businesses won’t replace legacy systems but rather extend them to create an orchestration layer to bring different elements to life.

–       The human role in transformation is to reduce the level of friction and help customers through the CX journey by showing, helping and guiding each other – the key is to identify where a human can help customers the most, maximise investment in human capital and open up new opportunities.

Find out more about Tom and his work here:



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