Rahaf and I discuss hustle culture and why it is so harmful. We focus on the underlying belief systems of the “people” working in this culture because this isn’t a new phenomenon – we were burning out before the pandemic, but COVID brought a rush to digitise and increased this ‘scope creep’ of “doing more with less”, and presenteeism became digital (overload).

We also discuss the big disconnect between what leaders want and what employees want, and how we can reprogram ourselves and reclaim intentional recovery as part of high performance. Neuroscience proves that our brains are not wired for permanent high cognitive/knowledge work and have a limited amount of time in ‘flow’. 

We now have powerful data to highlight opportunities for change and companies must look at their culture and ways of working, and how they use technology to enable a more human experience.  

Rahaf shares her insights, experience and research from working with leaders and businesses around the globe.

The main insights you’ll get from this episode are :

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