“Ai is just a powerful set of tools, what we really need is to understand human problems better..”

A thought provoking and insightful discussion with Vivienne Ming on seeking to solve the world’s messiest human problems using technology, in companies and in communities, by creating a more inclusive world. We discuss the power of AI and technological tools coupled with an understanding of just how ward it is to tackle human problems such as economic inequality, sexism or discrimination. How can we measure this untapped human potential and use it for philanthropic ends ?

Messy problems have messy solutions – the answer is always more than a simple yes or no – as technology advances, nothing is that binary, and neither are humans. How to manage this increasing complexity and bring our best selves to our everyday lives ? How can we harness the potential of collective intelligence differently ?

We discuss and explore these questions and more as Vivienne shares her stories, insights and research on this fascinating and complex subject.

The main insights from this episode are :

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