What does diversity really bring to business and how can we normalise this conversation?  Are we asking the right questions and do we measure it meaningfully ? 

Swati and I have a rich and insightful discussion on stepping out of being politically correct, and coming from a place of enquiry and curiosity. We need to ask the right questions, speak more boldly and really take on board the fundamental concepts of inclusion and diversity, and what they mean for today’s institutions, corporates and communities. We discuss the role of education, research and corporates to create a common platform and psychological safety for discussion – it will be full of opportunities but also beliefs, fears, assumptions and spiky conversations. We need big ideas to inspire curiosity; and we must all admit when we know we don’t know. The presence of diversity alone is not enough to create inclusion and performance – D & I needs to be CEO led and a core part of every business strategy and culture change roadmap. 

Swati shares the insights and experience from her work both in corporates and as an entrepreneur, and research from her recent book – Diversity beyond tokenism. 

The main insights from this episode are : 

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