“Speaking to others is always a privilege….” 

How to empower voices and communicate with clarity ? Your voice is unique and offers the best way of being yourself…In this episode Murielle and I discuss the importance of rhetoric and its place in leadership today. We discuss silence and the complex history between women and public speaking. The hybrid working environment means that clarity of communication is even more important for leaders, and for empowering both individual and collective voices. How can organisations and leaders work to create an environment where all voices can be heard and help to shorten the complex ‘say gap’ women encounter in organisations. Empowering voices is even more important in a world where we can collaborate virtually, and can sit behind a screen to do so if we prefer. 

Murielle shares her story, insights, experience and expertise on rhetoric and creating an inclusive academy where learning this skill is open to everyone to find their own excellence. 

The main insights from this episode are :

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