“Create the space where people can ask the question “what works for me, what works for us… “

An insightful and rich discussion with Julie Hodges around managing and leading organisational change in the post pandemic context. We look at the different elements of change for individuals and teams, how HR must fully engage through out process and how to scale and build capabilities for sustainable, human centred change. 

How do organisations react to unprecedented, emergent, daunting and unplanned change in the form of Covid? What have we learnt, and what needs to happen to transition to a more inclusive and psychologically safe environment ? 

Change has continued apace but is now plateauing, providing breathing space for organisations to think about what comes next and how to define the model that’s right for them. 

Julie shares insights from her research, experience and interactions with leaders and organisations across the globe. 

The main insights you will get from this episode are : 

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