“Digital is the context and then it is about ethics, capability, transformation and sustainability.” 

In this week’s episode of let’s talk Marco and I discuss how to create a digital and inclusive society in today’s complex world. The digitalisation of our world is a great opportunity to bring together design thinking, IT skills, technology, entrepreneurship and ethics, while asking: how can society benefit from developments in digital technology? How can companies effectively adapt to the digital society? We must teach integration, provide education and create solutions. Companies must create a culture that fosters ongoing learning, that builds and experiments with capabilities, that designs for true transformation and that invests in and implements creative solutions to avoid design knowledge waste.

Listen to us exploring how to create a culture of experimentation & inclusion and scaling the leadership skills for life long learning across organisations. Spreading impact and scaling change sustainability is important to deliberately design for sustainable transformation whether this be in society or in organisations. We all need to be part of ‘team human’. 

Marco shares his thoughts, insights and wealth of experience from working with individuals, communities and organisations across the globe. 

The main insights you will get from this episode are :

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