“The scale and extent of the culture shift for HR will depend on the appetite for change of the organisation.”

In this episode of let’s talk John and I discuss how the pandemic has unlocked corporate thinking to think about different ways of working, networking and communication. We also look at the importance of balance in the different elements and what technology and human collaboration brings to the mix. The changing trends and expectations of the workplace from candidates and employees as we transition into newer, more hybrid workplace and operating models is a key driver of change and an organisation’s HR function must reflect the values and purpose of the organisation and act accordingly with a talent plan based on collaboration rather than competition. We finish by discussing what the ‘future normal’ will bring in terms of more inclusive ways of working and people centred HR moving forward. 

John shares his thoughts, insights and wealth of experience on HR transformation and the changing role of HR in today’s post pandemic environment. 

The main insights you will get from this episode are : 

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