“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.. and methodologies for lunch.. “

In this episode of let’s talk Peter and I discuss Agile philosophy and leading Agile ecosystems. We discuss how organisations embrace the concept of being and doing Agile to create high performance culture and to move from a culture of fear to a culture of courage. We delve into Peter’s framework and his 5 drivers of Agile, and discuss how to leverage leadership and culture to lay the foundations for systemic change. Leaders need to create the conditions for humility, where they can take their masks off, and take the first step. One is never ready, there is always something to improve, but how can we help our respective businesses explicitly design for a more Agile organisation driven by purpose and values.

Peter shares his wealth of experience, research and insight from working with organisations big and small across the globe. 

The main insights you will get from this episode are :

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