What is the place of resilience in leadership and how can we stop overplaying our strengths for more sustainable growth ? 

In this episode of Let’s talk, Deepa and I discuss how to ‘rethink leadership’. Growing leadership in a sustainable way that allows you to have both success and well-being, has never been more topical. The current pandemic has given leaders the time to go inside and tap into bigger questions they have, and their larger vision & purpose. We discuss rethinking the paradigms of leadership, and understanding how to shift the paradigm around who you are as a leader as well as understanding your drivers, to find the balance between your strengths and the limits of those strengths, as well as the duality of ‘thrive versus strive’.

Deepa shares her wealth of experience and insights from her work with organisations big and small, as well as her methodology on sustainable leadership and personal transformation.

The main insights from this episode :

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